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60 Minutes

Sweet and Spicy Coconut Fish Parcels

  • Easy
  • One Pot
  • Treat Night

Wrapped in paper and gently steamed in the oven, these tender salmon fillets are impressively simple to make. Open the parcels, inhale the delicious fragrance of coconut and sweet chilli and tuck in.




Bake Sweet Potato

Preheat oven to 200°C fan-forced. Line a tray with baking paper. Cut sweet potato into 5cm-long wedges, arrange on tray and drizzle with oil. Season with salt and bake for 15 minutes. While sweet potato is baking, continue with step 2.



Prepare Vegetables

Remove snow pea strings and trim. Wash English spinach and trim. Peel and crush garlic.



Make Curry Sauce

Place coconut milk, sweet chilli sauce, fish sauce and garlic in a bowl and mix to combine. Set aside.



Prepare Fish Parcels

Cut 2 x 30cm squares of baking paper and place on a clean benchtop. Divide snow peas and spinach between parcels and top each with a piece of salmon. Divide sauce between parcels. Bring two sides of the paper to the centre, fold to seal, and twist ends to enclose.



Bake Fish Parcels

Remove sweet potato from oven, stir slightly and push to one side of tray. Place parcels on trays and bake for 12–15 minutes for salmon cooked to medium or until cooked to your liking and sweet potato is golden. Meanwhile, pick coriander leaves from their stems.



Plate Up

Place fish parcels on plates and open. Divide sweet potato wedges between parcels and top with coriander leaves to serve.

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Sweet and Spicy Coconut Fish Parcels

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"By far the best we have tried, with incredible recipes that I would never think of and wonderfully fresh, good quality ingredients."


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"Loads of meals to choose from, it doesn't get repetitive, always fresh ingredients, not overly packaged or too much plastic. We're excited to eat the meals each night!"
